That's how I found out that the Singapore Parliament website has a Parliament shop. But you can't really shop on this online shop. All it does is display a list of books related to the Parliament and some interesting souvenirs. The prices are quite afforable though, ranging from as low as $1 (a pen) to as high as $37 (a book on the Singapore Parliament written by Sumiko Tan).

But why have the 'shop' in the first place, and why list products when you don't bother to inform people where they can be purchased? I assume they can be purchased since all the items comes with a tagged price. I've search through the website and have not found a single alphabet of advice where I can purchase the listed products. Some of the souvenirs are quite nice so its a pity.
There are some things in Parliament that still puzzles common folks like me. But I don't this this will be an issue in the coming General Election, whenever that is.
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