Inexplicably, he managed to escape from his Whitely Road detention centre. That was when his relatives came a calling. Clearly, freedom is more important than his relatives. He knows he cannot run to them once he is free because he would like be recaptured. Singapore is a small island, smaller than even Bintan, where he was last apprehended by the Indonesian Authorities. And there aren't many forests or wide rural spaces for one to hide on the island. Wild fruits or food is not exactly in great abundance for a person to survive on for long, but then he may be a seasoned terrorist who has learnt to survive on less. Unfortunately, or fortunately for Mas, there are some secondary forested areas near Whitely for him to hide in.
The issues that vexes the authorities and many residents on the island is how he could have escaped in the first place. Granted, it may not be a maximum security detention centre, but given his record as the most wanted person, one would have expected stringent procedures to be in place or if in place, to be followed closely. Yet he gave these pros the slip. Heads may roll, but it wouldn't be Mas', at least, not yet.
Now is the time for all kay-poh Singaporeans and others on the island to be extra kay-poh. Report to the authorities if you spot anybody resembling him. And do it quick for obviously, if Mas is quick out of the toilet, he will be quick out of anywhere.
Look out for the man in these photos!